

AI Products

We have over the years developed AI accelerators which allow us to create rapid deployed platforms for your common AI challenges.

DF Smart & Sustainable Cities

DF Smart & Sustainable Cities is the future of data management for smart cities. Our platform enables you to capture data from millions of IoT sensors, allowing you to improve sustainable outcomes for running your city.

DF Intelligent Vision

Computer vision is a field of AI that trains computers to capture and interpret information from image and video data. By applying machine learning (ML) models to images, computers can classify objects and respond.

DF Deep Insights

DF Deep Insights is the next big thing in automated text-based analysis. It delivers impacting narrative-style analysis driven from a powerful AI engine.

About Digital Foundry

DigitalFoundry is a consulting firm that brings together teams of experts in data, analytics and cybersecurity to help companies make better decisions. We unlock the value in your data by leveraging our Ai and CyberSecurity expertise to design solutions for you, enabling you to operate more efficiently with actionable insights. No matter how messy your ecosystem is, we will take you on a journey where we monetise your data to give you something that was previously unavailable - insight into what's happening across all of your systems at once. With an internationally diverse team of experts, DigitalFoundry can move quickly without sacrificing quality or customer service as well as having strong cybersecurity and privacy expertise so that your transformation process is not derailed from any security threats.


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DF Consultancy Services

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AI as a Service (AIaaS)

Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS) is a service we provide to help you monetise your data into valuable decision making actions.


Cyber Security Transformation

As your enterprise ecosystem and value streams evolve and expand, we work relentlessly to help you on your journey towards the highest levels of cyber defence.


Data Hub

You have data all over the place and insights far and few in between. This is where we excel, we come in, understand your ecosystem and create a data hub for you.


Data Privacy Consultancy

Globally we are seeing an evolution in how companies conduct business. The EU GDPR has become the standard for an individuals privacy and as a result governments across the globe are adopting it as a standard.


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